Yesterday morning, after tying up some loose ends with a previous project, I started to do some work on the Yes album Going For The One. In so doing, I came across a few articles online that mentioned “Parallels,” one of the songs on the album, was originally written by Chris Squire for his debut solo record Fish Out Of Water, but it didn’t make that release’s final cut. With Fish Out Of Water fresh in my mind, I decided to use it for one of today’s picks and knew exactly which song I wanted to choose.
Song: “Lucky Seven”
Artist: Chris Squire
Songwriter(s): Chris Squire
Album(s): Fish Out Of Water
Release Year(s): 1975
Song: “Make It With You”
Artist: Bread
Songwriter(s): David Gates
Album(s): Make It With You (Single) / On The Waters (Full-length)
Release Year(s): 1970
I Wish You Would Hear Playlist: