Double A-side Single #182

The only time I’ve ever been to the Echoplex, one of the smaller music venues located here in L.A., was back in 2009 to see a band called Russian Circles. I was jamming regularly with a coworker of mine around that time, and he had given me a copy of their album Station to check out the previous year. Prior to getting this disc, I had never heard of the band before. I thought it was a pretty impressive record so, when I later saw that they were coming to town, it was a no brainer for me to pick up a ticket to the show.

Song: “Station”
Artist: Russian Circles
Songwriter(s): Mike Sullivan, Dave Turncrantz, Brian Cook
Album(s): Station
Release Year(s): 2008

Song: “You Got It”
Artist: Roy Orbison
Songwriter(s): Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty
Album(s): You Got It (Single) / Mystery Girl (Full-length)
Release Year(s): 1989

I Wish You Would Hear Playlist: